Giving creativity the credit it deserves

In 2022, Clemenger BBDO was invited by the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to participate in the Rigg Design Prize — Australia’s highest national accolade for contemporary design. Alongside eight other agencies, we were tasked to prove the value of creativity, and how it could help accelerate positive change.

 Our response was ‘Creativity Was Here’. Using the classic advertising device – the asterisk – we showed how creativity was crucial in driving everything from women’s equality, to safety inventions, to life-giving medical innovations. Even one of the world’s most popular doggos, the Labradoodle.

Credits: Art director: Huei Yin Wong; Animator Ben Bryan; AR Partner Unbnd; Creative director: Daniel Pizzato; ECD: Ryan Fitzgerald


The Quiet Type


Myer Unriddle Christmas